Now Available!
Pink Theology
How a Deeper Understanding of God and the Bible Informs Our Everyday Lives
With God as the central focus, Pink Theology guides the reader to a deeper understanding of Scripture and into a robust relationship with God. Biblical literacy plays a vital role in our engagement with God and others, and yet, shallow Bible study permeates the culture of Christian women. A lack of biblical literacy not only affects our relationship with God, but also hinders how we live in the everyday. Peeling back the layers of Scripture deepens our understanding of its truths, equipping us to engage in gospel-oriented living. Pink Theology waves goodbye to fluffy spirituality and encourages you to take on theological heavy lifting in your practical everyday life.

"Pink Theology transcends cultural, ethnic, and denominational boundaries and unites all Christian women in the journey toward richer, deeper, and more meaningful study of Scripture."
Damon Richardson,
Christian apologist and
founder of UrbanLogia Ministries
"In Pink Theology, Christine surveys a variety of issues women face and works through them with passion and wisdom from Scripture."
Wendy Alsup,
author of Practical Theology for Women
and Is the Bible Good for Women?
"Challenging, convicting, and comforting, Pink Theology is a summons to a life wholly absorbed in Christ.”
Chad Bird,
Scholar in Residence at 1517
Praise & Reviews for
Pink Theology

About Christine
Christine is pursuing a Master's in biblical studies from Redemption Seminary. She holds a certificate with the Institute for Biblical Counseling & Discipleship and works alongside her husband in ministry. Christine mentors in biblical studies, is an artist, and homeschools their children.